Group Theory Applied to Chemistry


ISBN: 9781645342793

Binding: Hardcover

Year: 2025

Pages: 159

Author: Vicki Littel

Book Size: A4 (8.9 X 12.3)


“Group Theory Applied to Chemistry” is a comprehensive textbook that explores the powerful application of Group Theory concepts in understanding the symmetries and structures of molecules, making it an essential resource for undergraduate students studying chemistry in the United States. Group Theory, a branch of mathematics, provides a systematic framework for analyzing the symmetries and patterns present in molecular systems, offering valuable insights into their properties and behaviors.

This book begins by laying down the foundational principles of Group Theory, introducing students to essential definitions, properties, and theorems. It then seamlessly transitions into the application of Group Theory concepts to various aspects of chemistry, including molecular symmetry, chemical bonding, spectroscopy, and reaction mechanisms. Through clear explanations, illustrative examples, and practical exercises, students will gain a deep understanding of how Group Theory can be used to interpret experimental data, predict molecular properties, and rationalize chemical phenomena.

Designed with the undergraduate student in mind, “Group Theory Applied to Chemistry” strikes a balance between theoretical rigor and practical relevance. It equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to analyze and interpret the symmetries and structures of molecules with confidence, preparing them for success in their studies and future careers in chemistry-related fields. Whether you are a chemistry major, a student interested in chemical research, or simply curious about the application of mathematics to chemistry, this book will serve as your indispensable guide to mastering Group Theory concepts in the context of chemistry. Join us as we unlock the secrets of molecular symmetries and delve into the fascinating world of Group Theory applied to chemistry.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

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