Digital Privacy


ISBN: 9781645341871

Binding: Hardcover

Year: 2025

Pages: 150

Author: Dewayne  Beer

Book Size: A4 (8.9 X 12.3)


This book looks at privacy issues from the perspective of consumers and businesses. To address these issues, this book focuses on the exchange of data between marketers and consumers, with special attention to the privacy challenges that data exchange poses for both families. marketing and consumers. The position taken recognizes that the exchange of information benefits both businesses and consumers. Information helps companies improve their marketing efforts and helps consumers access information to make better purchasing decisions. At the same time, the development of technology and business reinforces the need to pay more attention to protecting the privacy of information. Advances in information technology are happening at a rate that, without proper oversight or regulation, creates privacy breaches that ultimately hamper the efforts of businesses and consumers. to benefit from the exchange of information.

To better understand the privacy dilemmas presented by new technology, this book serves as a resource to help readers think more deeply about how privacy issues affect both consumers and marketers. It covers topics like why privacy is needed, historical and academic technological theory of privacy, how market exchanges relate to privacy, harm to privacy and what are the existing and future privacy protections.

A key feature of the book is the examination of the communication process, in which inhibitors and promoters are highlighted. The book concludes with the importance for marketers and consumers in achieving mutually agreed standards of behavior to eliminate the intimidating and harmful marketing practices that are taking place today. now. It makes recommendations for change, including a call to put privacy first in education and business practices.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

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